Bridge Point students had the opportunity to be virtually whisked off to Washington D.C. today for a live-streamed interview with President Obama. From sharing his favorite books as a child to how he views eBooks and digital learning, listen in and learn how our President views the future of Technology, Math and Science in education. And, to hear a question from a student at West Ridge MS, fast forward to 14:38! See the archived interview here.
Jump Rope for Heart was another great success this year! Thanks again to Ms. Dean and Ms. Rose for helping Bridge Point 3rd-5th graders learn to jump rope. This year our students raised over $20,000 for this great cause, WAY TO GO BRIDGE POINT!
Bridge Point is an awesome place to work, learn and play. We are thankful for all of our staff and teachers who make Bridge Point so fantastic. This morning a few of these outstanding staff members were recognized by our Superintendent, Dr. Tom Leonard with Eanespriation Awards. Winners were: Sheri Bryant (1st grade teacher), Amanda Gerentine (Teacher Assistant), Roger Sanchez (Playground Monitor), Laura Lee (Art Teacher), Natalie Smith (Art Teacher), Lisa Smith (Life Skills Teacher), Eleanor Thompson (Life Skills Teacher), Marianna Ricketson-Husain (Educational Technology) and Nancy Turner (RTI). Thank you all for your hard work, spirit and dedication to the students and staff at Bridge Point Elementary.
Like the photo? It was edited with the free online tool, Fotor, try it!
Happy days are here again! Students have been cleared to complete a long overdue update for their iPads. Our local servers cache the update to help our iPads update quicker. To see how to update your student iPad please view the short video above and make your iPad happy! Why so happy? We are happy because, with this update, students will no longer need to put in their Apple ID password for each and every app delivered to them. Input one and they're done! Happy day!
What's even better than reading a book? How about a reading a talking book that records your voice, quizzes you and gives you points for reading? RAZ Kids is an awesome subscription based resource for students to build their literacy skills through access to thousands of non-fiction and fiction leveled readers. Teachers can differentiate instruction by assigning students different books and can even listen to their students recordings. Now that is a RAZzle dazzle way to make reading engaging!
Nothing beats using your brain to think! Blend thinking with tinkering and you get some major Think-Tinkering! While BPE classroom teachers were engaged in the PLC process this week, Ms. Ricketson-Husain and Ms. Medina seized the opportunity to sneak into classrooms and teach a little bit more about computer programming. They challenged students to use their critical thinking skills and logical reasoning skills by letting kids Think-Tinker with several different apps and programs. BPE students learned more about programming with these apps: Robo Logic 2 HD lite, Scratch Jr., Cargo Bot, Kodable, Run Marco!, Bee Bot, Lego Mindstorms Fix It Factory, Tynker, and Hopscotch. Online activities from the Hour of Code initiative were also used: Angry Birds Coding, Frozen Challenge, Flappy Bird Challenge. Happy Think-Tinkering!
June 2018